I offer my services as a Psychic Medium, Tarot Reader and Shamanic Healer to bring spiritual healing to both sides of the veil. (Some services include a Shamanic Divination to to determine the best course of action for your case, for more information use message form below to ask questions)
Mictlán MoonShadow is a Psychic Medium and Shamanic Healer. With a strong background on Core Shamanism, Curanderismo, Wicca, and Reiki. He blends many forms of magic and spiritual healing to give his clients the ability to identify and move beyond spiritual wounding and negative life patterns. His main aim is to bring your spiritual life into balance and wholeness.
My work is deeply intense and transformational. It is empowering and leads to wholeness. Be prepared to face what ails your spirit and make life changes that will birth a healthier you. Due to the nature of my work, my practice is best suited ( however not exclusive to) For those who already have a well stablished and healthy support system in place.
1.- I am not a doctor or mental health professional and I am not going to pretend to be one
2.- I am not a traditional indigenous Shaman. I practice Core Shamanism. A modern day cross-cultural form of Shamanism.
3.-I work with compassionate spirits to do my healing and you have to be ok with that
4.-If at any point during our session I realize you need help I am not qualified to give, I reserve the right to ask you to obtain professional help before our next session
5.- I do not practice exorcism or engage in spiritual warfare.
6.- I do not claim to predict the future, my work is in spiritual advice.
I this reading I will connect with a deceased loved one of your choice or a spirit guide of your choice, and pass messages of healing, closure and guidance. This takes place in person on Tuesdays and Fridays 12-5pm Pacific time at Mystic Sanctuary in Universitiy Place Wa or via Long Disatance Via Zoom
30 minutes $100
1 hour $150
Come together to receive messages from the other side! For 1 hour I will pass messages of healing and closure to you and your party. While I don't command spirits, I will do my best to pass messages from those the do come through. Be aware Not everyone in your party will be read.!
1 hour 10 participants $250
Find guidance and perspective from someone else's view point about your life. A Tarot Reading is a great way to gain spiritual advice and move beyond blockages and gain a new outlook in life. I will admit spiritual advice is my strong point, I do not claim to predict the future.
Through the use of Shamanic Journey I enter a trance state to travel into the spirit world and deliver profound levels of healing to you long distance. ( Use Send Message from below to inquire about distance healing ). A Shamanic Divination ( psychic reading ) is built into the price of each session for diagnostic purposes Be aware all healing is spiritual in nature and Not a substitute for medical care. Also Available In person at Mystic Sanctuary in University Place Wa Tuesdays and Fridays
Power animals are the spiritual embodiment of all of our good attributes, in times of trauma they may flee leaving us vulnerable to illness in every area of our lives. Feeling powerless. In this service I will retrieve a power animal for you from the spirit world using Shamanic Journey.
In times of trauma pieces of our soul may fragment in order to cope. Leaving us open to illness in every area of our life, unable to move on from the trauma. In this service will use Shamanic Journey to retrieve lost soul pieces for you.
In this service I will enter trance and remove the spiritual components of illness form your aura. Followed by performing either a power animal or soul retrieval.
The Dead do not belong in the world of the living and sticking around can cause a lot of trouble for both the living and the dead. As part of this I will enter Shamanic Trance and cross over any spirits of the dead that are in need to cross over.
A form of Shamanic Healing. This is unraveling negative energy from others or even ourselves that has grown into a curse. Not all curses are intentional. Most are accidental. Be prepared to see a mental health practitioner if that is what you need as part of your healing as many curses affect the mind. This is a gentle but very powerful process.
A evolution of my curse unravelling ( read above) Sometimes negativity that grows into curses is passed down generations of family lines, this gently and lovingly releases the client from that energy.
Another form of Curse Unravelling. Sometimes we have lived with a pattern our entire lives. Sometimes its not a familly issue and it may come from previous incarnations. Events in past lives and interactions with others in past lives can be the source of curse.
Boost your healing journey with an extension of my curse unravelling work! This technique takes away the energy of thoughts you have fed so much they have a life of their own. Leaving you free to successfully do the work to reprogram your thoughts and habits! THIS IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR MENTAL HEALTHCARE!
In this work I do healing through dialogue and work with my own helper spirits, in order to heal and gently cross over any attached spirits. This work is NOT recommended for spirits that manifest violently or inappropriately, this is Healing Work Not Exorcism
1.5-2 hrs (Sometimes longer) on average depending on your needs $300
This work is prompted visualization, guided by both your psychic senses and mine in order to make energetic changes to specific areas of your life, when it comes to mind rooms you can use them on almost anything. You will need to be able to strongly visualize and visually process things mentally.
1 hour $150
This work is done to break the spiritual connections between you and other people, who you wish to no longer have in your life or be connected to. It can have profound impact on your life. You must be 18 yrs old or over for this, and be physically present for the ritual. The work is a combination of Crystal Healing and Reiki. This work is spiritual in nature only, leaving you to take action in other areas of your life to actualize changes!
30 minutes. $50
I am a member of Spiritual Professionals Association. As such this the code of ethics I strive to uphold!
Spiritual Professionals Association Code of Ethics for Members
I, as a Certified Spiritual Advisor and Professional Member of Spiritual Professionals Association, agree to uphold the following standards of ethical practices.
Understanding shamanism, crossing spirits over and possession.
Mystic Sanctuary, 2805 Bridgeport Way West #23, University Place, WA, USA
To make an appointment with Mictlan for in person at Mystic Sanctuary in University Place Wa Call (253)302-3563
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